Hungarian Participation Democracy's Ghost.

I have been a community development social worker and NGO activist from 1988 until 2007 back in Hungary. I am using the democracy development single issue movement points of view to let people understand the current affairs. During the first 7 years I wrote nearly 1000 articles about employment, democracy development, agriculture NGO situation. After this election I decided I turn my blog to English.


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Government war against the Hungarian civil society

2014.06.30. 17:26 :: Saman

I was in holiday in last week back to my original country. In this week the government have taken a huge amount of money from the last independent NGO bank account. That is a kind of message. "shut your pie hole" -otherwise I can kill you.

That is the meaning of the message. The Hungarian NGOs have been abused in the last 16 years in this way. It is turning worst.

That was so painful to see an NGO leader to cry about this after when I had been emigrate about this reason 6 years ago.

Let me explain to you the history of this story. How our country turned to a "civil killer" regime. How we decided to attack the citizen voice? Why is it so important to destroy the last independent associations an foundations civil networks for this government? I would like to show you the process or the history of this this. What has happened in the last 16 years?

I will step back regressively, from the 3. Orban cabinet NGO war has a massive history in the last 4 governance period. Starting with the first Orban administration the Hungarian modernisation is systematically try to ignore the citizen voice.


 5. Brutal government attack against the independent Hungarian NGOs

When I was on my holiday this week the some government organisations like tax office has taken a huge amount of money from the last independent NGOs bank account. Probably the target is to kill the last independent organisations, or destroy the organisations as much as possible. That action is the most close to the physical abuse which is happened 50 years ago, after the 1956 revolution. The NGO leaders need to choose an other occupation, an other profession, they need an other job if the worked for that sector. The original organisation mission has to be eclipsed. As a former NGO activist I can feel what the community leaders think about the future now.

Of course the NGO leaders went to the government officers and asked "what a hell is this". They NGOs and the government officers spoke about this in a public forums. The most painful question is, "the appeal does not lies" situation. By the law they can not realy asking questions about this process, because the government 3 times reorganised the civil society finance mechanism. Who is punished this organisations with this sanction is a dead organisation body. Even it successor bodies also has been closed. One of the government officer "was so kind" to answer the organisations question. "Let you inform you that action had been planned in 2010.


4. The rise of the civil killer demon

The technique how the government has taken this money had been planed from 2010. When this government administration had taken its office one of the first thing what they planed and would managed in the last governance period, was this game. From 2011 1st of January the National NGO Found administration was given from ESZA Kht to the Wekerle Sándor Alapkezelő. The ESZA kht was the backround from 2007-2011. After this change the new administration was relieved by the same government. They put the national NGO finance money to the "Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap" /National Coorporation Found/, and the administrations be come "Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő". /National Human Resource Found/. Between this change by the law the they separate this two period. The new organisation is not assign of the former one. The punishment in the last couple weeks came from the "ghost" organisation bodies. They have no address, no phone, secretary, by the law the doesn't exist. Even we can not put this case in front of the court because the "ghost" is not sueable.

3. The Norway scandal

 If we step back in the time and have a look what has happening between the election and nowadays, we can read in all news paper the story of a debate between the government and the Norway Found. It has been taking 4 month. Mr Janos Lazar start to blame the Norway Found founding redistribution. In his opinion the process is mainly support the green party call LMP instead of the independent NGO-s. He ask to broke up the contract between donor and the consortium who doing the tendering. He asked the Norway found to let the money redistribution under the government organisation control or stop to give money the Hungarian NGOs.

Mr Janos Lazar came out with a massive shameless lie. After when they had been systematically ignoring the sector independency for 16 years, with the EU and the local donations, he started to blame anyone else. If an independent person listening/reading his words looks like he stood up for the III. sector independency against someone who doing a brutal attack against this.

Actually the the situation is up side down. They will have been confronted in a day about what have happened with the Hungarian public speech. Especially with the civil sector players.

That was an interview given by his colleague the Government Speaker in they "model" the Hungarian civil society is not like the other countries NGO sector. Our communities all politically dependents. They have right or left side party background, so time to kill the green organisations.

Even if you put together any kind of article against the linked one, you can have a look how confused our government about this issue. The green organisations right or left dependents? If the Hungarian NGOs all sacrificed its independency before what kind of independency is threatened by the Norway Found and some NGO donors? How our government able to defend the independent NGOs is all the EU or any money which coming from abroad centralized in the government hand? Why this government was blamed about lots of democracy deficit from so many EU forum and in the country?

2. Record amount of new enactment without any civil control.

During the last governance this guys made record amount of new law. I can say all of them was prepared without the professional public speech and civil forums. The lawyers do not giving opinion how the system is correct by the law. If we do something around the mortgage we never invite the youth organisations or someone who can represent the "families" interest, or the tax payers interest. At the end of the day all our system changes just rape the family budget. Our "system maker history" in the last 16 years is full of this terror. In our new/old religion the experts and the stakeholders must be ignored if we doing anything about the systems. Doesn't matter it is a constitution, mortgage, school finance, media, or whatever.

Even the government party guys not able to speak with during the decision prep time. Mostly they meet with the crazy ideas when they vote for this in the parliament. This is the Ipod law age, when this party making the new law in secret. All our system changes has made without public debates or any kind of social dialogue.

1. The Halasz - Zuschlag pact

4 governance period before when this party win in the election they destroyed the national NGO fund system in the parliament. That was a parliament committee in this time. They just had thrown the bin the NGO experts evaluation score work and let the committee to vote with the two big party list. One of the MP start to cry on this time. That was the point when they had doomed the Hungarian democracy first time. After two years Mr Janos Zuschlag, the "broker" MP of this pact from the MSZP went to the prison because of prosecuted for corruption. The curt invite her to speak about this in front of the trial, but she had just sent a letter for them.

After my lovely country used this money redistribution model in every situation when the politicians touch any kind of money. HEFOP, EQUAL, LEADER, Switzerland Fund, agriculture support or centralised the tobacco trade and give a trade right back to the market. Every distribution is a scandal story after this point! This 16 years has been a brutal attack against the Hungarian modernisation based on this practice!

And after that Mr Janos Lazar start to defend the sector independency. He is worried about civil communities some of these educate kids, some of these promote the recycling, some of them making community theatre, some of them help the people plan ourselves, some of them try to understand what is happening in the Hungarian village, some of them doing community centre or made the internet available... etc. That is ridiculous? 

2 komment

Közösségi HR Társadalmi tervezési folyamatok támogatása. Munkaerőpiaci reintegrációs projektek előkészítése Részvételi Demokrácia Hálózat

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

amergin 2014.07.26. 20:50:27

Kedves Katona Csaba!

Hadd jegyezzem meg itt halkan és csak magyarul: nekem, aki figyelemmel követtem a megnyilvánulásaidat, azért keményen csikorogtak a fogaim 2010 előtt, amikor te "civilgyilkos zsákmányszerző pártokrácia/ pártcsürhe", illetve "Halász-Zuschlag-paktum" alatt keményen savaztad a szocialistákat is (akik amúgy minden bírálatot megérdemeltek), egy szintre helyezve őket a Fidesszel, (ami az lmp-nek is a mániája lett). Amitől én konkrétan agyvérzést kaptam, az az mszp = Fidesz egyenlőség felállítása, ami egy hihetetlen káros, hihetetlenül primitív és hihetetlenül ostoba fordulat volt. És százalékokban mérhető következményekkel járt arra, hogy választópolgárok sokasága fordult el a politikától - miközben a Fidesz szavazótáborának a legaljasabb, a legsötétebb, a legförtelmesebb ügyek sem ártottak. (A baloldali térfél szavazói mindig is kritikusabbak voltak saját oldaluk politikusaival szemben. Ennek minden pozitív és negatív következményével együtt).

Szóval csak röviden, és hangsúlyozva, hogy azért a szociknak is voltak nagyon sötét ügyeik, hovatovább még inkompetensek és korruptak is voltak - ilyet, amit jelenleg a Fidesz művel a civil szektorral, a szocik alatt soha, semmikor, semmilyen formában sem követtek el.
Csak a miheztartás végett.

Saman · 2014.07.27. 22:22:53

Én ezen a blgon a dokumetáltam hogy folytatódott-e a Halász-Zuschlag Paktumban sinre állított civilgyilkos pogrom!

Nekem az MSZP - SZDSZ kormányok egy rizsszemynivel sem kevésbé korruptak és civilgyilkosak, mint ez a rezsim.

Én csak vehemenciában látok különbséget. Az irányban és a célkitűzésekben semennyire sem!
süti beállítások módosítása